Sunday, November 7, 2010

Party Time!

Since my last post,I've gotten to do and be apart of some pretty amazing things. The last weekend in October, I got to go to this retreat for a Women of Purpose conference for women serving here in Honduras. This conference was a great rejuvination and helped be a great reminder why I'm here in Honduras. It helped me again see that this is exactally where God wants me for this time in my life. Even though I don't know how long, I do know that God is here with me and guiding my every step. After this conference, I got to spend some time with my friends who do a homeless ministry here in Tegucigalpa in the area that is a little less safe, but much needed. I love how the lady, Amber, who runs this ministry uses the saying to go along with her ministry that she says, "I can imagine being hungery, I can imagine not having a place to sleep, but I can't imagine waking up each morning thinking no cares about me. This is a great idea to show love and feed the homeless. They truely need to konw they are important to someone. It would horrible to think that know one cared you were here on Earth.
After taht weekend, I was swamped with school work and working hard at keeping a head of the game. I got to help run a 9th grade community building event which was a great. I got to talk to them about the importance of God in our lives and then play caputre the flag. Yes, my team won!
This past weekend, the teachers here at pinares have a tradition of a harvest party. We dress up for it. My apartment and the next for apartment went at the Go green recycle team. Here are some pics!

I got to go as super hero paper!

Needless to say, God is faithful and each day I see it in several different ways! Thank you for all your prayers and I'm living each day for him!